The Greatest Story Ever Told (in my eyes, of course!)

So, this has nothing to do with my kid or my photography. This is just an incident that makes me really realize how small the world is and how anything is possible. It’s something that I will definetley be telling for years to come…you know….if I ever need an “it happened to me” type story or just a conversation starter to break the ice! Whatever….all I know is that the world definetly does work in mysterious ways.

When I was a kid I had multiple pen-pals. I’d get matched up with girls my age from different parts of the world through my teeny bopper magazines. I had ones from Florida, Ireland, Rhode Island and Detroit and probably a couple more that I can’t think of right now. I really loved writing letters on cutesy stationary and hearing what other girls my age were doing in different parts of the world. I was always an curious child.

Silke’ Joy was my pen-pal from Detroit. I remember her as being very smart with really good handwriting…two things I wished of me. The last image I had of her was from a picture she sent me. She had short hair and wore glasses and for some reason I remember her wearing a sweater in the picture.

Well….don’t remember all the details of our short-lived friendship. I’m not even sure how long it lasted! But we eventually lost touch and moved on with our lives. Fast forward to today…..with the ever growing popularity of MySpace and Facebook, finding someone from your past was becoming ever so popular!

One day about 4 or 5 months ago, probably bored, I decided to look for my long-lost pen-pals on Facebook. To my surprise I only found Silke’ Joy. Now, the name Silke’ Joy is not a very common name so when a picture popped up I looked very closely at it. The girl loooked much different than the Silke’ Joy I remembered from the picture….BUT there was something in her eyes that made me believe that it was her. I decided to send her a message and to my surprise….IT WAS HER!!!!! I was in complete shock! Even though I had a feeling it might have been her I still was surprised! After all these years to find someone like that is amazing! She was just as surprised, but I don’t think as surprised or bewildered as I was! So, we got caught up on some things and have been commenting back and forth to each other since then.

It’s weird to find people that you did not think you would ever speak to or see again.

But that’s not all!!!!

Last week I took a trip to Las Vegas with some family friends. There were about 8 of us from Texas who met up with another 15 people from London, Philadelphia, and New Jersey. Lots of people=lots of fun! Las Vegas was packed! There were people everywhere. It was hard to keep up 20 something people!

One morning after a very fun night we woke up craving eggs and bacon and decided to head out to the Bellaggio breakfast buffet!

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