I honestly had the BEST time on this shoot! This trio are siblings and were so much fun and more importantly so full of life! It made shooting super easy and super fun! I ended up editing a lot more than I usually do because there were so many great ones!! It was hard for me to select a “few” to even show on here!!
CARTER FAMILY | Galveston & Pearland Family Photographer

Cheri Nash - Ali, Lexi, and Cole…I can NOT believe these pics!!! They are absolutely FABULOUS!!! Cole, you have changed SOOO much since the last time I seen you!!! I can’t believe how grown up you are now! Lexi…you are as beautiful as EVER and your baby girl is just precious!!! She looks a lot like Lesa! BTW…where was she??? It would have been GREAT to see her in these pics with y’all too!!! And Ali…girl…gorgeous as always!!! Ya’ll could do clothing ads…professionally!!! Y’all look like MODELS!!!
I am so proud of all three of y’all!!! Tell your Mom ‘Hi!” from me and Kendall and y’all call or come see us sometime! Your mom has my number! If not, she can get it from Lynnie!!
Love and miss ALL OF Y’ALL!!!
Jan - Loved these pictures !!!!!!
Lynne Flowers - Cheri showed me these pics…. Ab-so-stinkin-loot-ly the prettiest pics EVER…. Yall are beautiful people inside and out. Oh My GoodNess…. Miss getting to see yall. Love and (((hugs)))……